State Courts of Appeals
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and now California State Court of Appeals
Each state court of appeals has a different appellate court structure so it can sometimes be difficult to navigate. At Record Press, however, we know our way around these different court structures. For many years, we have been filing successfully at every appellate court in New York State as well as the Supreme Courts within New York City. We later expanded our expertise to the New Jersey and Connecticut Judicial Systems and courts of appeals. While we have completed many filings at the trial level courts, we specialize in filings at their Appellate and Supreme Courts.
Over the past several years, we have been building our expertise in the California State Courts of Appeal. We are now pleased to offer our services in all six judicial districts.

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State Courts at a Glance
New York
Hon. Rowan D. Wilson, Presiding Justice
Lisa LeCours, Chief Clerk and Legal Counsel
20 Eagle Street, Albany, NY 12207
(518) 455-7700
Hon. Dianne T. Renwick, Presiding Justice
Susanna Molina Rojas, Clerk of the Court
27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010
Hon. Hector D. LaSalle, Presiding Justice
Darrell M. Joseph, Acting Clerk of the Court
45 Monroe Place, Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 875-1300
Hon. Elizabeth A Garry, Presiding Justice
Robert Mayberger, Clerk of the Court
P.O. Box 7288, Capitol Station, Albany, NY 12224
(518) 471-4777
Hon. Gerald J. Whalen, Presiding Justice
Ann Dillon Flynn, Clerk of the Court
50 East Avenue, Suite 200, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 530-3100
New Jersey
Hon. Stuart Rabner, Chief Justice
Heather Joy Baker, Clerk of Supreme Court
R.J. Hughes Justice Complex
P.O. Box 970, Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 815-2955
Hon. Thomas W. Sumners, Jr., Presiding Judge
Joseph H. Orlando, Appellate Division Clerk
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
P.O. Box 006, Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 815-2950
Richard A. Robinson, Chief Justice
Carl Cicchetti, Chief Clerk
231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 757-2200
William H. Bright, Chief Judge
Carl Cicchetti, Chief Clerk
Office of the Appellate Clerk
231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 757-2200

Second Department
Melissa Rodriguez, Chief Operating Officer